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UvA wants to update ethical framework for external collaboration
Foto: Sara Kerklaan

UvA wants to update ethical framework for external collaboration

Wessel Wierda Wessel Wierda,
22 mei 2024 - 09:51

In response to the events on campus, the Executive Board (CVB) says it “Very much understands the plea of students and employees.” The UvA will therefore develop criteria to assess international collaboration on ethical aspects. Until then, the UvA will not enter into any new collaborative agreements in conflict areas.

After two weeks of unrest on UvA campuses, the Executive Board and all deans of faculties say they understand “the plea of students and employees.” They let this be known in an e-mail to all employees. They want to turn that understanding into a series of action points.


Two of these points concern continuing the discussion. College President Geert ten Dam had made it clear earlier that she would no longer enter into dialogue with activists. Now, however, the Executive Board has announced that it will speak with peaceful activists concerning de-escalation and restoring trust. Guaranteeing a safe environment for everyone will also be central.


The UvA also plans to begin adjusting the ethical frameworks surrounding international collaborative agreements this week. For the time being, the board and the deans state that they do not have sufficient tools to assess this carefully. Until the completion of this adjusted ethical framework - planned for the end of this academic year - the UvA will no longer enter into new collaborative agreements in conflict areas.

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