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Foto: Mina Etemad

Folia has FOMO I Dining in Fort Pampus with candle light

Toon Meijerink ,
9 november 2023 - 10:59
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No plans for next weekend yet? Trouble choosing between all the options in Amsterdam? Then check out our biweekly cultural column Folia has FOMO, with cultural tips from the editors between November 8 and 22. From partying in the Bijlmerbajes to learning about nuclear fusion with Ralf Mackenbach.

Winter Light: Dine at Fort Pampus | 93,- | Fort Pampus, departing boat from IJburg | Until December 16.

Besides a source for puns, the island of Pampus also offers exciting dining. In 1887, the island was constructed in the Gooi Lakes to defend against attacks from the Zuiderzee. In the candle-lit corridors and hidden domes, the historic Fort Pampus offers a local menu nowadays. Ideal for a relationship anniversary or just a stunning first impression. So quickly grab the boat for a wonderful experience! But, as we say in the Netherlands, please don’t stay off Pampus for too long.


Nan Goldin: This Will Not End Well | Stedelijk Museum | 10,-, free with museum card | Until January 28

Nan Goldin, one of the most famous photographers of recent decades, is showing her photographs at the Stedelijk Museum. These include The Other Side (1992-2021), a powerful portrait of her trans friends, the haunting Memory Lost (2019-2021), a capture of the pain of rehab, and the hopeful Fire Leap (2010-2022), about children’s lives. Photographs that intrigue, instigate and inspire.


Lifetime | With Brunch: 92,-. Party only: 27,- | Bijlmerbajes | November 11 | 13.00-23.00

If you want to get out of the regular pattern of Amsterdam parties, the new techno club Levenslang in the Bijlmerbajes might be something for you. This Friday, Restaurant Baut brings a late brunch with three courses and DJ Tsepo plays electro in this old jail. Art group OSSO also brings exciting art installations. This afternoon is sure not to be a punishment!


Felix College. Nuclear fusion, the energy of the future? | 25- (including dinner) | Felix Meritis Society | November 17 | 18.00-20.00

Not in the mood to watch a series again? PhD candidate Ralf Mackenbach (winner Junior Song Contest 2009) could take you inside his nuclear fusion research. In the beautiful eighteenth-century building Felix Meritis, you dine while TU Eindhoven physicist Mackenbach uses metaphors, illustrations and analogies to talk about his hopes for a nuclear fusion power plant, which could be vital in the green energy transition.

“Ancient tribes were already coming together to sing together”

Singing for a good cause | 7,- 10,- or 15,- | Tolhuistuin | Every second Monday of the month from 7:45 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Every second Monday of the month you can sing your heart out in the Tolhuistuin and support a good cause at the same time. You don't even have to be Adele or Beyonce: everyone is welcome in the vocal circle. The evenings are led by Nicoline Snaas, singer and singing teacher.

Vocal circles were made famous by Bobby Mc Ferrin, whom you may know from Don’t worry, be happy. “But the way of singing is very old,” says Snaas. “Ancient tribes were already coming together to sing together. Mc Ferrin has made it hip again and it’s becoming more and more famous.”

The evenings begin with an introduction to the project being sung for. Monday, Nov. 13, it will be Congo, where music workshops are held in refugee camps and orphanages. “An evening like this is good to give people a wake-up call: this is also going on in the world,” Snaas said. “The focus now is understandably on Israel and Palestine, but there are other big and perhaps bigger problems in the world.”

Why does singing help with such big problems? “It’s healing,” says Snaas. “I notice that people really need it right now to seek each other out. People want to feel extra connected with each other now that the threat also seems to be getting closer. Singing helps tremendously with that.”

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